Video Roundup…

Everyone these days has one of those video recording devices, exactly how big brother wants it:

Slack posts their first videocast. view it on their site, or youtube.
also check out Slack’s video for Teenage Zombie.

(more videos after the jump)

Here are the videos Chris Slack made for The Northridge Rangers (1, 2)
and How I Became The Bomb

The Pink Spiders video for Little Razorblade can be found here
along with the video for Modern Swinger

Jetpack UK’s video for Mathematics

Feable Weiner’s San Deem Us Ready & Sally Be

Glossary’s video for Daylight Savings

Live video:
The Privates
Be Your Own Pet
Dr. Gonzo

Scott Black has some videos of Keith Lowen’s recent 8 off 8th at Mercy Lounge:
Umbrella Tree
The Clutters
Apollo Up!